Friday, April 10, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Cyst Symptoms

Cyst Symptoms

Cyst can give a variety of complaints such as pain during menstruation, the lower part of the stomach pain, often want to feel defecate or urinate, and in next stage, a bump can be detected on abdomen. for the type of Follicle Cyst usually does not provide pain. So most people do not realize it. However, if the cyst broken, for example, when exposed sexual intercourse, people will feel the pain increases when doing heavy physical activity.

Unlike the follicle cyst, corpus luteum cyst usually gives pain on one side only of the bottom of the stomach. People also experience changes in menstrual pattern, such as delayed menstruation or get menstrual bleeding between menstrual periods. Bleeding vagina that is serious and irregular can result anemia. Stomach pain that typically arise and may be accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. Stomach enlargement also occurred in some type of cyst that tends to grow increasingly large.

Tips For Knowing Cyst Symptoms

Know your family health track record. Is there a track of family members suffering ovarian cyst, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer?

Know yourself. Is there a change in the physical form of the central body of the stomach, a bump that is felt. Is there any reproduction organ problem before. Did you experience infertilities or in effort to delay pregnancy.

Know the symptoms. For example, stomachaches, especially during menstrual periods, accompanied by urinate disruption and interference in the channel, such as nausea, indigestion, vomiting, and defecate disturbances etc.

Get to know some other risk factor such as first menstruation at a very young age (younger age of 11 years), menstrual cycle is short (less than 27 days) or not regular, and long menstrual periods (more than 7 days).

USG examination is recommended for those with a risk to detect the possibility of early cyst.

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