Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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Colorectal Cancer (rectum)

In western countries, colon cancer (colon) and rectum (colorectal cancer) is a type of cancer is no 2 the most common, and no 2 cause of cancer death. Figures colorectal cancer incidence increased at the age of 40 years and peak at age 60-75 years. Colon cancer (cancer colon) occurred more frequently in women, cancer rectum more often found in men. About 5% of colon cancer or rectum cancer has more than one colorectum cancer at the same time.

Colon cancer usually begins with swelling, such as a button on the surface of the coating on the bowel or polyp. Then cancer will start to enter the intestinal wall. Lymph nodes in the neighborhood can also be affected.

Because blood from the bowel wall was brought to the heart, cancer usually spread colon (metastases) to the heart soon after spread to lymph gland in the neighborhood.

Causes of Cancer Colorectal

Someone with a family history of cancer suffering colon, have a high risk contract cancer.
Historical of genetically poliposis or a similar disease also increase the risk of cancer colon.

Colitis ulcerative patients or Crohn disease have higher risk for suffering from cancer. Risk associated with patient age at the time of this difference arises, and the duration of this deviation.

Food handling an important role in colon cancer risk, but how, is not known. In the world, people with the highest risk are those who live in urban areas and the typical foods of the rich west. Food is a low fiber and high animal protein, fat and carbohydrate. Presumably decreased risk with high dietary calcium, vitamin D and vegetables such as Brusel sprout, cabbage and broccoli.

Cancer Colorectal Symptom

Colorectal cancer grow slowly and take a long time before causing symptoms.
Symptoms depending on the type, location and spread of cancer.

The right colon (asendens colon) has a large diameter and thin wall that. Because of its liquid form, asendens colon will not be stopped until the final stages of a cancer.
The tumor of asendens colon can be so swell that can be felt through the stomach wall. Weak because of anemia that may be the only symptom.

The left colon (desendens colon) has a smaller diameter and a thicker wall and the feces quite dense.

Cancer tends to encircle the colon this, cause constipation and defecate frequently, alternately.

Because desendens colon more narrow and thicker walls, stoppage occurs earlier. Patient experiencing painful stomach cramps or stomach pain and constipation that great. Can bloody feces, but blood is often hidden, and can only be known through laboratory examination.

Most cancers cause bleeding, but usually slowly. Rectum on cancer, the first symptoms are most often bleeding during defecate. If rectum bleed, even when the patient is also suffering from hemorrhoids or disease diverticle, thought must also be the possibility of a cancer.
On rectum cancer, patients can feel pain when defecate and feelings that their rectum have not been fully empty. Can be a pain to sit. But usually people do not feel pain because their cancer, unless the cancer has spread to outside the network rectum


Like other cancers, checks the filter routine, to help early detection of cancer colorectal.
Using the microscopic examination of feces to calculate the amount of blood. To help ensure the right of examination, the patient ate a high fiber red meat for 3 days before the sample of feces. When this filter examination showed the possibility of cancer, needs further examination.

Prior to endoscopy, emptied bowels, often with some mineral oil and enema.
Approximately 65% of cancer colorectal can be seen with sigmoidoskop. If a polyp may look violent, the whole colon is examined with colonoscopy, the power coverage longer. Some growth was seen with the malignant surgical instrument through colonoscopy, growth should be raised with the other usual surgery.


Examination of blood can help establish the diagnosis.
At 70% of people who suffer cancer colorectal, degree of carcinoembriogenic antigen in the blood is high. When the measure was before the cancer antigen is high, then after the surgery can measure down. On the next visit, this antigen level was measured again; if the measure means that the cancer has increased relapse again. Measurements can also be 2 other antigen, namely CA19-9 and CA 125, which is similar to the antigen carcinoembbriogenic.

Cancer Colorectal Medication

Treatment on the primary colorectal cancer is by removal of the affected intestine and it's gland system.
30% of patients can not tolerate surgery because of bad health, so that some tumor was electrocoagulation through. This can alleviate symptoms and extend the age, but does not cure the tumor.

In most cases colon cancer, part of the intestine that was violent is taken over with the surgery and the remaining is connected again.

Rectum for cancer, the type of surgery depends on how far the cancer distance from the anus is and how it grows in to the rectum wall.

Removal of all rectum and anus require that the patient experiences the permanently colostomy (making a connection between the stomach wall colon). With colostomy, the contents of large intestine through the empty hole in the wall to the stomach in a bag, the bag is called colostomy.

When possible, rectum that was removed only in part, and leaving the other end of the rectum and anus. Then connect the other end of the rectum to the end of colon.

Radiation therapy after tumor designation, can help control the growth of remaining tumor, slow down the relapse and increase life expectancy.

Tumor removal and radiation therapy, is effective for cancer rectum with the 1-4 lymph gland cancer. But less effective in people with cancer rectum that has more than 4 cancer gland lymph gland.

If the cancer has spread and colorectal surgery does not seem to help healing, can be done with florouracil chemotherapy and levamisole, which can increase life expectancy.

When the colorectal cancer has spread, so that can not be lifted entirely, surgery to relieve intestinal stoppage, can alleviate symptoms. But life expectancy is only about 7 months. If the cancer has spread only to liver, chemotherapy drugs can be injected directly into the blood vessel to the heart. Although expensive, this treatment can provide more benefits than the usual chemotherapy. But this treatment still require further research. If the cancer has spread outside the liver, this treatment is not effective anymore.

After the colorectal cancer was all through the surgery, performed colonoscopy to check the remaining intestine, as much as 2-5 times each year. If this check does not indicate the existence of cancer, the next inspection is done every 2-3 years.

The spread of colorectal cancer & patient's life expectancy rate
life expectancy rate of 5 years90%80%30%
The spread of cancer
Cancer that is only spread to a mucosa layer of intestine
Cancer penetrate into the muscle layer of intestine
Cancer gland spread to lymph

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