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Dismenorhea | Painful Menstruation In the Adolescent
Painful menstruation that is so great often require a abating agent medication or ask the doctor for help. Pain is called dysmenorrheal. By the doctor painful period is divided into two kinds, namely dismenorhea primary and secondary disemenorhea.
Primary Dismenorhea caused by hormonal imbalance in the body without the aberration anatomy / congenital aberration / disease. Usually occurs in the first period of time so that the adults and up to now it has not definitely known, but suspected to relate to the release cycle of eggs in ovary.
Secondary Dismenorhea caused by aberration / disease in the body and usually occurs in adult age. Tthe cause of secondary Dismenorhea include endometriosis, benign uterus tumor, ovary cyst, polyp wall of uterus, pelvic infection of the womb, the womb deformity, etc..
There are no definitive figures on the number of people with painful cramps in Indonesia, but in Singapore it was found 1.07% to 1.31% of the patients came to the obstetrics. In the United States, painful menstruation obtained in 30-70% of women in reproductive age, and on 60-70% of adult women are not married and aged 30-40 years. Research in Sweden to meet 30% of women industrial workers decreased income due to painful menstruation. Therefore, the suspected painful menstruation is influenced by patient age, social status, occupation, number of children owned.
Clinical symptoms usually begins a day before menstruation lasted for the first day and the second period and after that rarely happens. Pain is usually the pain in the middle of the belly, just above the bone genitalia. Pain relief felt lost, and sharp-wave. Usually follow the movement and the uterus can creep back to the waist. In addition to pain, can also be accompanied nausea, vomiting, headache, and susceptive / depression.
Primary Dismenorhea usually arise in young age, soon emerged since the first menstrual period came. Pains often feels like a taut, stiff and precede menstruation, and increased on the first day and second. Pain does not disappear when the release occurred and the egg cells arise in the case of cell release of eggs. In physical examination does not get the difference, and only need drugs without the need of surgery.
In the secondary dismenorhea, painful still there and although there is no deliverance in fallopian tube, and there is a aberration in the physical examination, especially to the hip examination, and uterus. So sometimes surgery action is necessary to heal that.
Degrees of painful menstruation:
- Degree 0: No pain and the daily activities is not disturbed.
- Degree 1: mild pain and need pain medicine, but less activity will be disturbed
- Degree 2: medium pain and can be cure using pain remover medication, but can disturb the daily activities.
- Degree 3: very great pain and has not decreased despite using the drug and can not afford to work. This case should be handled by the doctor.
(Summarized from: Dr. Riyanto Aaron, Magazines Gemari edition of 12, Janurai 2002)
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