Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Self Diagnosis | Breast Cancer Symptom

Self Diagnosis | Breast Cancer Symptom

At the initial stage, breast cancer does not usually have symptoms. When tumor developed, a sign will appear like this:

  • A bump on the breast or armpit, which does not disappear after the menstrual cycle has finished. Often early symptom breast cancer is the emergence a bump that does not hurt, but there is also cause pain. Using a mammogram, we can see / detect a bump far before it can be seen with the naked eye or be touched.
  • Armpit sweat
  • Pain in the breast
  • The bulge or a dip on the breast may indicate that the tumor cannot be touched or seen.
  • Any changes in size, contour, texture, or temperature in the breast, redness, such as orange peel surface can indicate the existence of advanced breast cancer stages.
  • Breast hilt changes, such as the entrance to the hilt in the breast or protruding to the outside, itchy, hot, or there is a boil, the skin of breast hilt peeled, is symptomatic Paget, s disease, local cancer.
  • Breast hilt issued clear fluid, blood or other color. Usually caused by the a bump, but can also be caused by cancer in some cases.
  • Area that is different from the one breast.

Contact your doctor if:
  • One or both breasts develop a abnormal bump or continuously pain, or does not seem normal. The cause of it can cause by other diseases, and not cancer, but it must be known.
  • Lymph nodes, swelling under the armpit. This swelling is associated with cancer.

Reducing pain during mammogram

Until now, mammogram is the only way to detect breast cancer early symptom. To make this procedure become easier, try the following tips:
  • Scheduled the mammogram during the week after menstruation. Breast becomes less sensitive in this time.
  • Drinking painkiller sold freely, before making a mammogram, if you feel sick on the mammogram.
  • Relax before checking with respiratory exercise in, or listening to music that calms. Stress can cause the chest muscles become tense, making it difficult to create the necessary compression for the best.

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