Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Important Info About Influenza

Important Info About Influenza

Flu and cold were caused by a virus, but the symptom of flu are more severe
Antibiotic not nutritious to cure influenza, so if you experience symptoms of influenza, not directly on the antibiotic, as this would increase the risk of antibiotic resistance against the virus.

People rarely infected with the same type of influenza, because the resistant in 2 to 4 weeks. But the influenza virus will having a mutation continue to be a slightly different version. That is quite the immunization is not effective against influenza.

Influenza can be spread on the day you develop a symptom. Can also be transmitted after the fever disappears.

Do not use more than one medication for a cough or flu symptom alleviating at the same time. Using more than one drug can cause over-dose.

Immediately dispose of tissue that is used to prevent the spread of influenza virus infection.



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