Friday, May 8, 2009

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Cautious Disturbances During Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation is shedding the womb wall consisting of a network of blood and body. Genesis will be held each month and is a normal process for women, regular.

In other words, menstruation is a process of cleaning the womb of the blood vessel, gland, and gland cells that are not used because of the absence of fertilization or pregnancy.

Normal age for a woman to get monthly visitors for the first time is 12 or 13 years. But there are also some women who experience menstruation (menstrual / menstruation) early (age 8 years) or more slowly, namely during the age of 18 years. Menstruation itself will stop the woman is aged about 40-50 years which is well known with the term menopause. Menstrual cycle / menstruation normally occurs once every 21-35 days, with the long period range 4-7 days. The amount of menstrual blood, normal range 30-40 ml. And according to the experts count women will experienced 500 times of menstruation during the period of his life.

Some women experience bleeding that is not normal. Among them, from menstrual age who came late, the amount of menstrual blood, which is very much up-must be repeated until the change of woman, pain or pain during menstruation, symptoms of PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome), menstrual cycles are not regular and many more. This interference can not be ignored because it might bring the serious impact, not a regular period for example can be a sign of a less fertile women (infertile).

Interference that occurs when menstruation is still considered normal if it occurs during the first two years after the first period. This means if a woman has obtained the first period when the age 11 years, until the age of 13 years her menstruation still not regular. But, if after 13 years of age her menstrual cycle still not regular it is also the experience menstrual disturbances. Disorders that commonly occur in women during the menstrual period is not for some time (amenorrhea), menstrual blood, which is very much (menorrhagia) and the incidence of pain during menstruation (dysmenorrheal).

Delayed menstruation (amenorrhea)

There are two types of amenorrhea, namely primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea is an event where a woman is aged up to 14 years also have not menstrual experienced. This is caused by the hampered of pubertal development, the hormones or ovum cells cannot grow. Meanwhile, when women do not get 3-4 times during the period since the last menstruation, the symptoms called secondary amenorrhea. The reduction is a drastic weight loss, excessive sports, stress or depression, pregnancy, the effects of certain drugs and tumor. To ensure the causes of this interference, the examination should be performed is a high body checking, body weight, breast, hair genitalia, pregnancy test, examination thyroid disease and other chronic diseases. Amenorrhea treatment depends on the cause. Hormone therapy is usually done.

Menstrual blending

This interference is marked with the irregular menstrual cycle, the menstrual blood of many (more than 80 ml) and the period more than 8-10 days, or a short menstrual cycle (every 21 days). This interference may be caused by infection of venereal disease, complications in pregnancy, chronic diseases, trauma, consumption of certain drugs, such interference of hormonal or cancer.

Examination includes the examination of the physical thyroid gland, liver and vagina. In addition, also conducted a laboratory examination such as examination of blood, pregnancy test, thyroid function and liver function, or hormonal examination.

Treatment can be done with fe supplementation and anti prostaglandin during menstruation and folat acid. The most scared due to menstrual blending in the discharge amount for each lot of women is anemia. Excessive bleeding can cause the body suffering from lack of blood. For that reason, an anti coagulant usually given to clot the blood.

Painful menstruation

Some women experience pain or cramps in the lower abdomen during menstruation takes place, even to the unconscious because they cannot endure the pain. This is called as interference with dysmenorrheal. When the pain is not accompanied with a history of pelvic infection or pelvic normal circumstances, is called primary dysmenorrheal. Symptoms are marked with the feeling of nausea, to vomiting, headache, back pain and dizziness. Until now, it has not been known exactly, and experts suspect that the pain is caused by muscle contraction wall of the womb.

Pain can also be caused by inflammation in the pelvis, pelvic structure that is not normal, sticking networks in the pelvis, endometriosis, tumor, polyp, cyst ovarian and IUD usage. This is called secondary dysmenorrheal.

Examination conducted include USG, laparoscopy, blood examination and vagina. And treatment is done by giving an anti-inflammation drugs to prevent the cramps, if not susceptible given estrogen pill for 3-6 months.



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