Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia Treatment
In general, the sleep disturbance appears in three forms. Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and maintain it. Hyper insomnia, sleeping too much, always sleepy during the day, Or always sleepy during the day. And last, parasomnia, which is interference that appears, during or at the border appear to sleep and wake up to sleep. For example, during sleep walk, talk, and crackled teeth.

What is Insomnia

Insomnia sleep disturbances become the most common, occur in all age, and may be temporary, short term or yearly. On temporary insomnia, difficulty going to sleep occurred for a few days until less than four weeks. Most common cause is due to stress or depression. If the causes of stress or overcame depression, insomnia will be cured by itself. That need to be aware is chronic insomnia. Difficult to sleep every night for more than six months.

Cause of Insomnia

  • In addition to stress, insomnia can also be caused by the influence of lifestyle, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, febrifuge and asthma. Shift work and clubbing are also potentially disrupt the body's biological day, to regularly awake or sleeping on the same day.
  • Environmental factors can also cause insomnia. Situation that are too crowded or rowdy, sound of the train, and the traffic for example.
  • Physical disturbances such as sore joints, headache, prostate, asthma can also cause insomnia.

insomnia treatment

BEARS method

The handling of chronic insomnia is to get patients to sleep history, through the medical interview, with the BEARS method, ie, B (bed time), E (excessive day time sleepiness), A (awakenings), R (regularity and duration of sleep), S (snoring) .

Bed time – it is needed to decipher what happened in the period prior to sleep, how long it take to fall asleep, what is difficult to disrupt sleep, and how long the disruption lasts.

Excessive day time sleepiness - are required to know the feeling of heavy drowsiness during the day, if you want to sleep when not desired, for example, while reading, chatting, or Moor increased television watching.

Awakening - is required to view the characteristics awakened from sleep at night or morning. What causes awakened (pain, shortness of breath), how often, how long already, why it is difficult to fall asleep again, and feeling that in you get in the morning.

Regularity and duration of sleep - is needed to describe the sleep habits. how many hours sleep and start the day began to wake up sleeping in the morning. whether feel enough sleep, whether shift work is being happy or clubbing.

Snoring - is required to disclose the existence of obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the difference is marked stoppage of recurrent respiratory tract during sleep. Usually accompanied with snore and a decreasing in the flow of oxygen in the blood. People with this disease usually does not feel fresh, sweaty, angry, and easily forgotten, less concentration when wake up in the morning. On the day, people with this disease are also often sleepy, even have the impotency.

So from the BEARS can be causes of insomnia. Whether because of psychological factors, lifestyle, environment or physical. results will be used to determine what action should be taken to cure insomnia. whether simply changing lifestyles, changing thought patterns, the provision of drugs or the equipment to perform certain sleep laboratory.

Handling Insomnia

Temporary insomnia (due to stress)

The psychological, if you are experiencing stress that causes insomnia, a person tends to be flat-out trying to sleep, which is called a learned or psycho physiological insomnia. Unfortunately, this effort would continue to make people awake with a feeling anxious. Some people can fall asleep quickly, even when they leave the bed ago in the sofa reading books or watching TV. However, if this lasts up to a month, sleep cycles can be disrupted and improve care.

This insomnia can be solved with improving sleep habits and reduce the concerns that are not necessary. The practical way that usually be done is using Sleep Restriction (SRT), which was developed by Arthur Spielman (1987), that is the way to record average bedtime for two weeks. time spent in bed, plus 30 minutes each week. If you already have increased sleep time, time is what is used for standard length bed.

The next therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to dispel misconception that the sleep time is 8 hours each night. This therapy is used to overcome the feeling of getting less sleep quality, if someone asleep for 6.5 hours only or less.

People with insomnia are advised to turn off lights, as darkness will stimulate the brain to produce melatonin stimulate the eye closed.

In the narcolepsy patients (prolonged slumber), the anti depressant and Stimulation can heal completely within a month.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, ordinary experienced to people who have a large diameter of the neck, lower jawbone pulled in, and over weight. People with this disease need to receive attention because of Obstructive Sleep Apnea can cause stroke, coronary heart, and hypertension.

People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea recommended to do Sleep Labolatory using polysomnography equipment, which will measure the activity during sleep, the brain waves, muscle tension, eyeball movement and leg, the flow of respiration, heart rate, and degree of oxygen in blood. The results used to determine how treatment. have overcome a significant change to the way the position of sleep. Sloping or prone to eliminate snore. There are to be solved with Positive Airway pressure (CPAP), and the kind of mask that is easy to use themselves. When breath stopped CPAP will provide direct pressure that encourages oxygen enter the body.

Crackled teeth

For crackle teeth interference, just by using oral appliance, such as rubber so that the tongue is not bitten.



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