Monday, May 18, 2009

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Lyme Disease

Lyme disease Lxodes scapularis
Lyme disease (LD) is considered as one of the most serious diseases in the United States, until Congress established to discussed it.

What causes lyme disease

Bacterium that causes lyme disease is bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacteria is found by dr. Burgdoferi. The bacteria live in the sub-tropical countries to countries with cool climate, such as Europe and some parts of in the United States.

How is lyme disease transmitted

Lyme disease is transmitted by lice Lxodes scapularis, lxodes pacificus or lxodes dammini the life cycle moved. While the shape flyblow, this lice stickto small animals such as rabbits and mice. During nymph phase (can not fly, have amounted to six feet, this living lice stick to the larger animals, such as dogs, goats, horses or deer. A new phase in the adult, this can stick to the lice in humans.

Lice that contain burgdoferi bacteria penetrate into human body through the bite on the skin and blood. Bites cause a red rash like other former insect bite. but a typical, red rash is moved (erythema migrans).

At the beginning of this stadium, it is treated easily, generally lyme disease cure using drugs from the tetracycline. In two four-week untill Lyme disease will disappear. But many people do not realize, and considered as a normal insect bite. And also some times, lyme disease misdiagnozed as alzheimersThis is dangerous, because this disease can develop to the next stadium, where the bacteria burgdoferi attack other organs, such as the alimentary tract, muscles and nervous system.

Lyme disease symtomsLyme disease symtoms

Symptoms of lyme disease vary in this stadium. There is a continuous headache, blurred vision, hallucination, acute fatigue and continue to feel sleepy and psychiatric disturbances (if the bacteria is attacked nervous system). in this stadium, using tetracycline treatment is not effective anymore. Medicine should be replaced with the type of doksisiline, krolide or combination of both. Price of this medications type are very expensive.

Treatment for Lyme disease

Lyme disease treatment is not easy. Serology test can not be specifically used to identify Lyme disease. Negative results, not necessarily to prove someone escaped from the attack of this disease. Lyme disease test must be tested through ELISA (enzyme-linked immunoassay), BAT (borreliacidal antibody test), and PCR (polymerase chain reaction).



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