Monday, June 22, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Endocarditic Infective

Endocarditic Infective

Endocarditic Infective infection is on the pericardium and the heart valve. It can happen in sudden and in a few days can result in fatal (endocarditic infective acute), or can occur gradually and being camouflaged in a few weeks to several months (endocarditic infective sub acute).

The bacteria causes acute bacterially endocarditic sometimes strong enough to infect a normal heart valve; bacteria causes bacterially endocarditic sub acute almost always infect abnormal valve and a damaged valve.

IMAGE Valve & space Endocarditic heart infective

Causes of endocarditic infective

It is caused by bacteria (or fungi) that are in the flow of blood or contaminate the heart during heart surgery, can be stuck on the heart valve and infect pericardium.

The infection is easily the abnormal valve, or valve that is damaged, but the normal valve, also can be infected by bacteria that aggressive, especially if the amount is very large.

Endocarditic infective also caused by heap of bacteria and blood clot on the valve (vegetation) can be released and move to the vital organs, where they cause a stoppage in the flow of arterial blood.
Stoppage like this very seriously, because it can cause stroke, heart attack and infection, as well as damage to the region where the stoppage is formed.

The risk of a endocarditic infective

  • Injury on the skin, mouth or gum layer (due to chewing or tooth polish), which allows the insertion of a small number of bacteria in the bloodstream
    Gingivitis (inflammation and infection in the gum), a small infection on the skin and infections in other body parts, can act as the entrance to the bacteria in the bloodstream.
  • Particular surgery, dental procedures and some medical procedures can also make it easier for bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
    Examples are the use of intravenous infuse to enter the liquid, food or medicines; sitoscopy (enter the hose to check the bladder) and colonoscopy (enter the hose to check the large intestine).
  • Valve heart that has been damaged.
    At the heart valve that has a normal, white blood cell in the body will destroy the bacteria, this bacteria. But the heart valve that has been damaged, can cause bacteria being lodged and proliferate there.
  • Valve artificial heart
    In the artificial heart valves, the bacteria can enter the bacteria and is more immune to the antibiotics.
  • Default aberration or a deviation possible leakages of blood from one heart to the heart of the other
  • Septicemia
    Bakteremia (the bacteria in the blood) which is light may not cause immediate symptoms, but bakteremia can develop into septicemia.
    Septicemia is heavy on the blood infection, which often causes a high fever, shivering, trembling, and decrease blood pressure.
  • Needle drugs user, because they often use a needle or a dirty solution.

    On needle drug users and endocarditic patient because of prolonged use of catheter, a valve which is often infected is the valve to the right ventricle (valve tricuspidalis).
    In most other cases, the infected valve is to the left ventricle (mitralis valve) or the valve out of the left ventricle (aorta valve).

Artificial valve on the user, the biggest risk of a endocarditic is for 1 year after surgery, after the risk is reduced, but still higher than normal.
For reasons unknown, the risk is always higher in the aorta valve made in comparison with artificial mitral valve, and the risk of mechanical valve higher than the pig valve.

Symptoms of Endocarditic Infective

Bacterially Endocarditic acute usually begins suddenly in with a high fever (38,9-40,9? Celsius), a fast heartbeat, fatigue, and heart valve damage and a fast wide.
Vegetation endocardial (embolism), which could move apart and cause the infection to other places

Hoarding pus (abses) can occur in the bottom of the infected heart valve or where the infected embolism being lodged.
Heart valve may experience perforation (hole) and within a few days of leakage can occur.

Some people experience shock, kidney and other organs stop functioning (sepsis syndrome).

Infections can weaken arterial walls, blood vessel and causes blood vessel being lacerated.
This split may result in fatal, especially in the case of the brain or near the heart.

Bacterially Endocarditic sub acute can cause symptoms for several months before the damaged heart valve or before embolism has formed.
Symptoms include fatigue, mild fever (37,2-39,2? Celsius), a decrease in body weight, sweat and anemia.

Suspected of a endocarditic if someone has a fever without a clear source of infection, if found a new heart murmur or murmur if the old has changed. Spleen can swell.

A very small bump spot arise on the skin, also in the white eye or under the hand of the finger nails. The spots are a very minor bleeding caused by a small embolism after heart valve.

Embolism that can cause a larger stomach pain, sudden stoppage in the arterial arm or leg, heart attack or stroke.

Other symptoms of bacterially endocarditic acute and sub acute is:
  • Doddery
  • Painful joints
  • Pale skin
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • There is blood in the urine water

Endocarditic on the artificial heart valve can be acute or sub acute.
Compared with the infection in the native valve, the valve made infection more easily spread to the heart muscle in the bottom of valve and valve loosen. Need to be performed surgery to replace the valve because of heart failure caused by leakage of the valve can result in fatal.

Or interference can occur in the electrical conduction system of heart that cause heartbeat slowing down and cause a sudden stunned or even death.

Endocarditic Infective Diagnosis

Diagnosis is done base on symptoms, especially in people who have a tendency to suffer this disease.

On echocardiography (drawing the heart using sound waves) can be found the vegetation and heart valve damage.

Propagation of blood is done to determine the bacterial cause. Blood examination performed 3-4 times at different times, only because there are bacteria in the blood at certain times.

Patients treated in the hospital and get high doses of intravenous antibiotics for at least 2 weeks.

Giving antibiotics is not enough on the artificial valve infection. May need to be heart surgery to repair or replace the damaged valve and remove the vegetation.

As a precaution, the rudiment of the heart valves, each will undergo dental or surgical measures should be given antibiotics.



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