Thursday, May 21, 2009

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Skin Disorders that need to be Alerted

Skin is the part of body which is very important for a woman. Skin clean and beautiful treated become the main requirement to appear beautiful and attractive. Therefore, skin disorder, any small, need to be alerted. To which has become a serious disease.

Although seemingly trivial, the skin appeared to be interference with the very appearance of a woman. Beside harass the appearance, some type of the skin disruption often seen such a risk was also fatal, and medical operation action must be taken.

Following explanation of the medical specialist skin Griya Ayu Citra, Jakarta, Dr. S.C. Kurniati, Sp.KK, about skin disorders that need to be alerted:

Mole (nevus pigmentosus)

Mole is actually benign tumor, which can be changed malignancy (melanoma). "If the mole on the edge of eyes or edge of lips and large, it will disrupt. Usually appointed with the medical operation (surgery), " Kurnia said.

Moles that should be alerted because has a risk of violence are: mole that grows rapidly, changes to surface swollen, and often prickly. In addition, caution is also if the mole bleed easily.

Keratosis seboroik

Have you ever observing the spots of blackish brown appears on the surface of skin of an advanced age? it's called keratosis seboroik. Size varies with the form of rounded or oval. Instead factors of age, keratosis seboroik can also be caused by fat or also due to sun exposure. To overcome this problem, usually with sunblok use each time you have activities outside the home. If necessary, can be removed with elektrocauter surgery (surgical electricity).


Melasma is a kind of interference having a form like a flake or brown or black speckle that does not uniform that usually appear on the face. In addition to the face, can also appear in the neck, arms, or hands. The cause of melasma can be due to the cosmetics that are less appropriate because of hormonal factors (such as the women who are pregnant). Melasma can also appear due to exposure sun. Sun exposure increase the activity and the number of melanosit, the cells that produce melanin. Result, the production of melanin excessive. To overcome or eliminate melasma, can be done with the bleaching agent (bleach) and topical drugs.


Usually attack the white (race of Caucasus). Children, usually appear the brown darkness speck in their nose or cheek. The cause of freckles or often be called sproeten. This caused by genetically factors or because of sun exposure. To overcome this, we can use the bleaching agent, or removed with the laser.


Vitiligo is a harmful form of whiteness spots that appear on skin (not a genetically factor or race). Different with the fungi, such as skin fungus with blotches for example, vitiligo does not cause itchiness. Vitiligo caused damage to pigment cells, so the pigment does not form. Generally, vitiligo appear around the face, scalp, and neck. The speck was initially only small, but the longer appear increasingly out and spread. Vitiligo normal appear on the black, can occur due to the cosmetics that are less appropriate or auto immune factors. Pigment color (melanin) does not formed and the color maker cells does not work attacked by the body itself.

It requires special treatment and routine, both with drugs and irradiation. Can also corticosteroid. If vitiligo is severe (wide), the patients usually ask to bleach their skin all at once.

Pityriasis alba

Often appear in school-age children (6 - 16 years) have allergy history, especially those who like outside activities under the rays the sun or swim. Appear in front of The speck of white rounded-oval shaped, not prominent, and sometimes itchy. Instead children, adults can also experience this interference. To overcome or prevent pityriasis alba, should use sun block during outside activities (including when you are swimming, should use sun block).


A bump shaped like a small hard pimple used. Cyst occurs because of the blocked of perspiration channel. Because the fluid can out too thick, or the pimple that is not used and lost changed to cyst. Cyst is usually discarded with the medical operation.

Wrinkles (wrinkles)

This skin disorder is usually associated with the age of the spread increases. The wrinkles do not only attack the parents. Young age people can experience wrinkles. One of the wrinkles caused by psychological factors. Stress, for example, can make a wrinkled in face, although still young. Wrinkles can also appear as sun exposure. But not to worry, wrinkles can eliminated with the anti-drug wrinkles, laser, or by chemical Peeling. Which is also important to prevent the emergence of that psychic interference.

In addition to the above disturbances, disruption of the skin that is very familiar with us is the acne disease. The multi factorials, because the genetically factor, can be also due to environmental factors. For example, the consumption of fatty foods. Despite appear trivial, can also be a pimple worse and broad. If already here, usually to be done to overcome the medical operation, for example, with the action of plastic surgery. Therefore, the pimple should be addressed as early as possible, can with topical drugs and diet.

Have Positive Thinking!

Proved, psychological factors contribute the role to trigger the emergence of skin disturbance. One of them is wrinkles. However, other than to keep psychological conditions remain healthy, there are some things you should also done, to keep skin healthy.
  1. Consumption of food containing the balance nutrient. Avoid junk food, especially in children because of the long-term impact is not good for skin health.
  2. Keep the mental health, does not stress or depression. Get used to think positively.
  3. Always, try to get enough rest, sleep at least six hours a day.
  4. Perform regular skin care, for example with solvents, face every day, or every time you want to have outside activities, do not forget to wear sun block. Use the right clothes is also to keep the skin avoid sun exposure. For example, use long-sleeve shirt to avoid the sun exposure.
  5. Avoid using cosmetic products that the contents are not clear. Contact the doctor to ensure that cosmetic products that you safe use.
  6. Drinking enough water is white, at least 8 glasses (2 liters) per day. For those with greater body weight, consumption of white water it is also added, for example, up to 3 liters per day.
  7. Avoid consumption of coffee, cigarettes or alcohol, and consumption more fruits.



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